Teaching Ideas

1. Teaching Listening

Website for Teaching Listening

Welcome back to my English blog. This time we are going to discuss another skill of language. Do you still remember skills in language are four including listening? Hopefully you do. Well, there are some believes that say the most difficult skill of language is listening. Hmm.. do you believe it? Probably some of you believe and not. But actually listening is a kind of receptive skill which we often find the most both in real situation and in classroom.
The most important thing you should know is that listening is a process, so for all teachers do not get lost your way in teaching listening. This means that as you teach listening please consider and focus on a process not to a product. In short, practice is the real logical way that teacher should apply for students. Then what are the strategies?
The following articles discuss theories about the development of listening skills, tips on how to
deliver listening activities and some practical tips on listening activities that can be performed by teachers and students while learning a language

Well, now we go to main topics. As teacher, we should prepare the materials as effective as possible. Here are some link you may need to support your teaching listening.

Then, for some websites of teaching listening you may visit these following websites:

2. Teaching Speaking
Fun Activities for Teaching Speaking
  Speak up! Speak up! Speak up! I am sure you often hear this expression. Well, it’s speaking or we can also say the oral production in language. What do you know about speaking? Is it important? But before you answer those questions, do you know the function of language? hmm… some of you may have already understood. The goal of language is communication. So whatever language we learn, wherever we learn, and we never we learn, the goal of language learning is always aimed at using it for communication.

      First, we see why speaking is important. Speaking is found on the tree as one of the branches; it is labeled oral production and is one of the skills students are to learn in their language development.


Let’s answer this question Click this

        Well, now you have more knowledge about speaking. For the next is what we should teach to teach speaking? And how?

This  article will guide you to some tips of teaching speaking 

        Go for the next, students really like interactive activities. So why not if we teach them through interesting activity like using some games

3. Teaching Reading

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to my English blog. In this time, I’d like to share about my experience in teaching reading. Anybody ever taught reading skill? Anyone ever got difficulties? As teacher, you may find things that make you tired, right?

Well, as we know that reading is the receptive skill, it can be likely very boring to teach. Students nowadays are more interactive, they do not like anymore learning in passive situation. So,,,, do you realize if we are now in a sophisticated era? Well,, of course, I believe some of you conscious this situation. Then, what’s problem now? Technology has helped education system, right? Ok. This following post will show you how we use technology to teach reading skill.
  There are so many tools we can use to support our reading materials. But before we go further, you have to understand first why reading is important. To build your understanding you may read this article.

Going further to some ways to teach reading, here you are:

  1. Word Game

To use game in reading activity is much needed to make students more active. Students may lose their bored if the activity is more interactive. So, what’s again? Use game to make it interesting

The second thing you may use is to use interactive activity through video. This video shows the animated story for interactive activity.  
3. Online Comic
Well, then for more practicing of the activity, you may use this strategies to make any production from reading. Just ask your students to make mini comic about their story. The intermediate students suits for this tools. 


 4. Teaching Writing


Halloo everybody…!!!

In the previous discussion, we talked about how we teach reading. Now, it’s time for teaching writing. Writing is one of the skills that language learners need to learn besides the other three skills. Writing is productive skills in language. So writing is a process. It needs a usual activity to always practice writing. Teachers have already understood, of course, about that. But the question for teachers that often comes up is how to teach writing skills effectively? 

To start and open the understanding, let’s go further to how teachers should teach writing effectively. To build it, let us read this article

Well, after we already known the strategies for teaching writing both in classroom and outside class, it’s time for us to know what things may help us to teach. Here are some tools that can be used to support our teaching in writing.

 1. Zoho Docs
   This is a great web tool that you can use with your students while working on writing collaboratively. It is pretty much similar to Google 

2. Titan Pad

Titan Pad is a writing platform that allows users to collaboratively write and work on a document. It also has the same exciting features the two tools above have like: instant editing and sharing.

3. Blogs

Some of you may familiar with blogs. Writing can be practiced through this web tool. Students just are asked to practice their writing in blog.  Blogs are intrinsically designed to encourage writing and that is the purpose for which they are created after all. Most of our students are already familiar with blogs so why not create a classroom blog and turn it into an online writing workshop for the whole class. Students can use it to post their stories, writing assignments. narratives, comments on school events, write poems and share them with others, and many more. Creating a blog for your classroom is as easy as pie and within a couple of minutes you can have it up and running. Here are some of the blogging platforms that you can use for this purpose.

To make blogs, actually there are some ways we can use. Here are some kinds of blog we can use.

b. WordPress (https://wordpress.com/)

c. Kid Blog (http://kidblog.org/home/)

d. EduBlog (http://edublogs.org/


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